Vision Therapy Success Stories

Reading and Writing went from a Nightmare to MAGIC with Vision Therapy
I had fun with Taylor! Before vision therapy it was hard for me to read and write. I didn’t like to read and write. Now, I want to because it’s easy. I can see better and do everything better. I am reading chapter books and writing lots of sentences. I [...]
We were in AWE of the Incredible Improvement
Hudson started a new school in the fall of 2019 as a 2nd grade. We had previously thought that he was just late at learning how to read and that he just needed additional help. We knew he was smart but also started to notice that certain homework tasks were [...]
Amazing Progress Through Vision Therapy with Photolight Therapy Following Brain Injury
When I first arranged an appointment at Hellerstein & Brenner, it was already 5 months after my brain injury occurred. In January, a ski lift chair had hit me from behind and knocked me down backwards. My head hurt, but I wore a helmet and the pain diminished. I was [...]
6 Things I Learned from Vision Therapy. Or, Why I No Longer Take Walking for Granted.
Just to warn you right from the beginning: This is not a happy, smiley article about how great vision therapy was for me. The end result was great, but therapy was tough, frustrating, and exhausting. And some days, it felt pointless. I was in tears after every appointment the first [...]
Crossed eyes/lazy eyes/post surgery-2nd grader struggles in school
Joey had 3 eye muscle surgeries for esotropia (crossed-eyes), patching for amblyopia (lazy eye) and wore bifocal glasses for farsightedness. His ophthalmologist told his parents that his eyes were “fairly” straight and that Joey didn’t need any more vision treatment. Joey’s teacher referred him for vision therapy due to [...]
Reading & Anxiety-6 year old
Vision therapy has been life changing for Lindsay. After starting kindergarten, Lindsay started exhibiting signs of great anxiety. She didn’t want to go to school, she avoid visual activities and came home absolutely exhausted. Reading did not “click” as it could have and Lindsay became very frustrated. She knew she [...]
Poor Speller
“The changes I have noticed since I started vision therapy are many. First, I have much neater handwriting. Now I can tell my left from my right. My cursive is a lot better. Now, thanks to spelling letter visualization, my memory and ability to take a mind picture have [...]
Adult athlete (still want to be!)
“At the age of 62, I suddenly found it impossible to track a softball as I was ready to catch. After 2 months of sports vision therapy, I attended the CO Rockies Fantasy Camp. As the second oldest person attending, I batted .333 and had no fielding errors. Most [...]
6 year old diagnosed with Autism. He just received his new farsighted glasses. “Before the glasses, Ethan had a difficult time looking right at us, avoiding eye contact. He is looking much more, interested in what we are doing and interacting with us… He has had horse therapy, but [...]
Gifted with Learning Disabilities
“We are extremely thankful for the referral to Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center. We are already seeing the results of her vision therapy at home, school, ballet, and piano. Her vision therapy has allowed her to participate fully in gym class, which she hasn’t done since pre-school and she [...]
Reading After An Accident
“Reading was always a joy before my accident; post, it became a burden. With therapy, I was able to read again … and write … something I wasn’t able to do for 18 months.” – Proud Vision Therapy Graduate
Headaches Have Gone Away
“I was able to write more songs and not get frustrated like before. My handwriting got better and I could write more assignments in school. Headaches went away. I am more organized and less frustrated.” – Proud Vision Therapy Graduate
Confidence in Abilities Has Soared
“My son now reads more quickly and fluently. He went from a child who dreaded reading assignments to one that has a favorite book that he reads just for fun. Work at school and at home does not take as long and therefore he is able to do many [...]
Read Without Struggling
“My daughter now reads without struggling and without arguing with me to do it. Her confidence has grown tremendously. Also, her ability to concentrate and complete her work is no longer a problem. This has been a great experience for all of us.” – Proud Parent of Vision Therapy [...]