The holidays are just around the corner! And with the holidays comes gifting and giving…below you will find a list of educational toys and activities for kids of various ages and abilities to help develop visual processing and visual motor skills! Give the gift of visually learning and enhancement!
Play is important in enhance children’s development. And learning can be and is FUN!
Eye-hand coordination, visual-spatial organization, and visualization
- Mega Bloks (Age 1+)
- K’NEX (Age 3+)
- Lincoln Logs (Age 3+)
- Magformers (Age 3+)
- Tinkertoys (Age 3+)
- Coding and Robotics from MindWare (Age 4+)
- The Ultimate Fort Builder – Lakeshore (Age 4+)
- LEGO DUPLO (Age 4+)
- LEGO (Age 5+)
- KEVA Brain Builders (Age 7+)
- KEVA Contraptions (Age 7+)
- KEVA Planks (Age 7+)
- Zig & Go (Age 7+)
- Erector Set (Age 8+)
- Roller Coaster Challenge (Age 8+)
- Turing Tumble (Age 8+)
- VEX Robotics (Age 8+)
Visual-motor integration and fine motor skills
- Finger Paints (Age 1+)
- Kinetic Sand (Age 1+)
- Chalkboard Easel (Age 3+)
- Coloring Books and Crayons (Age 3+)
- Lacing Cards (Age 3+)
- Dot-to-Dot Activity Books (Age 3+)
- Lacing Cards (Age 3+)
- Large Bead Stringing (Age 3+)
- Pegboard and Pegs (Age 3+)
- Play-Doh/Modeling Clay (Age 3+)
- Lite-Brite (Age 4+)
- Silly Putty (Age 4+)
- Rainbow Loom (Age 5+)
- Jacks (Age 5+)
- Magentic Dashin Dots (Age 5+)
- Doodle Quest (Age 6+)
- Tricky Fingers – Discover Toys (Age 7+)
- Get the Picture: Dot to Dot Race (Age 8+)
- Spirograph Drawing (Age 8+)
- Bead Craft Kits
- Finger Twister
- Models (Car, Airplane, Ship, etc.)
- Origami Sets
- Paint or Color By Numbers
- Stencils
- Weaving Loom
Eye-hand coordination, visual-spatial organization, and depth perception/awareness
- Ants in the Pants (Age 3+)
- Bean Bag Toss Game Toy for Kids (Age 3+)
- Barrel of Monkeys (Age 3+)
- Don’t Break the Ice (Age 3+)
- Elefun (Ag 3+)
- Etch a Sketch (Age 3+)
- Fabric Dart Board Game (Age 3+)
- Frisbee Rings (Age 3+)
- Kids’ Dilly Dally Target Game (Age 3+)
- Lacing Cards (Age 3+)
- Lite-Bright (Age 3+)
- Egg and Spoon Race (Age 4+)
- Fishin’ Around (Age 4+)
- Nerf Basketball (Age 4+)
- Box & Balls (Age 5+)
- Flippin’ Frogs (Age 5+)
- Jumpin’ Monkeys (Age 5+)
- KerPlunk (Age 5+)
- Marbles (Age 5+)
- Perfection Game (Age 5+)
- Pick-up Sticks (Age 5+)
- Ring Toss (Age 5+)
- Tangrams/Tangoes (Age 5+)
- Toss Across Game Beanbag Tic Tac Toe (Age 5+)
- Gravity ‘s Edge – MindWare (Age 6+)
- Oball (Age 6+)
- Operation (Age 6+)
- Ping Pong (Age 6+)
- Tenzi by Buildz (Age 6+)
- Door Pong (Age 7+)
- Badminton (Age 8+)
- Bowling Zombies (8+)
- Connect Four Shots Game – Hasbro (Age 8+)
- Jenga (Age 8+)
- Gravity Maze Marble Run Brain Game – ThinkFun (Age 8+)
- GridBlock Game – Fat Brain Toy (Age 8+)
- Pix Mix (Age 8+)
- Suspend Family Game – Melissa & Doug (Age 8+)
- Uno Stacko (Age 8+)
- Weight for It Game – Fat Brain Toys (Age 8+)
- Cuponk! Game (Age 9+)
- Cornhole Bean Bags
- Ladder Ball Game Sets
- Marble Run Sets
- Pitchback
- Weaving Loom
- Yo-Yo
- Geomag Magicubes (Age 1+)
- Wooden Board Puzzles (Age 2+)
- eeBoo Pre-School Picture Domoinos (Age 3+)
- Dominoes (Age 3+)
- Feed the Woozle (Age 3+)
- Gears! Gears! Gears! Building Sets (Age 3+)
- I Spy Eagle Eye Game (Age 3+)\
- Imagination Magnets – MindWare (Age 3+)
- Jigsaw Puzzles (Age 3+)
- Old Maid Card Game (Age 3+)
- Q-bitz Jr. from MindWare (Age 3+)
- Sequence for Kids (Age 3+)
- Set Junior Game (Age 3+)
- Tactilo Game (Age 3+)
- Go Fish Card Game (Age 4+)
- Kanoodle Junior (Age 4+)
- Parquetry Blocks Sets (Age 4+)
- Robot Face Race (Age 4+)
- Spot it Junior! (Age 4+)
- Zingo! Numbere Bingo! 1-2-3 – ThinkFun (Age 4+)
- Zingo! – ThinkFun (Age 4+)
- Zingo! Sight Words – ThinkFun (Age Pre-K-1st)
- Zingo! Word Builder – ThinkFun (Age K-2nd)
- Attribute Blocks (Age 5+)
- Checkers (Age 5+)
- Gobblet Gobblers Tic Tac Toe – Blur Orange Games (Age 5+)
- Make N Break Jr. (Age 5+)
- Mathlink Cubes (Age 5+)
- Perfection Board Game (Age 5+)
- Picture Words Bingo Game – Trend (Age 5+)
- SmartGames Color Code (Age 5+)
- Sight Words Swat! – Learning Recourses (Age 5+)
- Tumble Trax Magnetic Marble Run (Age 5+)
- Where Are You? By Wonderbly (Age 5+)
- Acuity Game – Fat Brain Toys (Age 6+)
- Avocado Smash! by Ridley’s Game (Age 6+)
- Chinese Checkers (Age 6+)
- Connect Four (Age 6+)
- Doodle Dice (Age 6+)
- Double Spot – Mindware (Age 6+)
- Eyes ‘N Seek – Blue Orange Games (Age 6+)
- Guess Who (Age 6+)
- Look Look board game (Age 6+)
- Mancala (Age 6+)
- Mastermind for Kids (Age 6+)
- Mastermind Towers (Age 6+)
- Math Dice Jr. – ThinkFun (Age 6+)
- Qwirkle (Age 6+)
- Rush Hour Jr. (Age 6+)
- Scavenger Hunt for Kids (Age 6+)
- Set Game (Age 6+)
- Smart Games IQ Puzzler Pro (Age 6+)
- Square Up! – MindWare (Age 6+)
- Battleship (Age 7+)
- Blink Card Game (Age 7+)
- Blokus (Age 7+)
- Labyrinth board game (Age 7+)
- North Pole Camouflage (Age 7+)
- Rubik’s Race Board Game (Age 7+)
- Sequence Board Game (Age 7+)
- Snappy Dressers Card Game (Age 7+)
- Snip Snap Dice Game – Blue Orange Games (Age 7+)
- Spot It! (Age 7+)
- Tenzi Dice Party Game (Age 7+)
- Tri-ominos (Age 7+)
- Uno (Age 7+)
- Uno Emoji (Age 7+)
- Dutch Blitz Card Game (Age 8+)
- Amaze – ThinkFun (Age 8+)
- Bejeweled Board Game (Age 8+)
- Bop It! Game (Age 8+)
- Bop It! Tetris Game – Hasbro (Age 8+)
- Cat Crimes – ThinkFun (Age 8+)
- Color Cube Sudoku – ThinkFun (Age 8+)
- Farkle Game (Age 8+)
- Kanoodle (Age 8+)
- Kanoodle Extreme (Age 8+)
- Laser Chess – Thinkfun (Age 8+)
- Lazer Mazee Game – ThinkFun (Age 8+)
- Lexicon – Go! (Age 8+)
- Makeblock mBot (Age 8+)
- Morphy Game – Fat Brain Toy (Age 8+)
- Perplexus (Age 8+)
- Pickles to Penguins (Age 8+)
- Q-bitz Extreme from MindWare (Age 8+)
- Q-bitz from MindWare (Age 8+)
- Quarto (Age 8+)
- RACK-O – Winning Moves Games (Age 8+)
- Rory’s Story Cubes (Age 8+)
- Rubik’s Cube (Age 8+)
- Rush Hour (Age 8+)
- Shadows in the Forest – Thinkfun (Age 8+)
- The Genius Star Game (Age 8+)
- ThinkFun Izzi Puzzle (Age 8+)
- Ultimo Strategy Game (Age 9+)
- Dog Pile/ Cat Stax Puzzle Pack (Age 10+)
- Sort it Out (12+)
- Dominos
- Geoboards
- Hidden Pictures
- I Spy
- Pentominoes
- Where’s Waldo
- Suuuper Size Memory Game (Age 2+)
- Chicken Cha Cha Cha (Age 4+)
- I Spy Memory Game (Age 4+)
- S’Match – ThinkFun (Age 4+)
- Reinhard Staupe’s Sherlock (Age 5+)
- Stare Junior! (Age 6+)
- Wild Planet Hyper Dash (Age 6+)
- Loopz (Age 7+)
- Simon! (Age 8+)
- Say the Word Memory Game (Age 10+)
- Matching Games
- Sit and Spin (Age 1.5+)
- Suuuper Size Memory Game (Age 2+)
- Foam Pogo Jumper (Age 3+)
- Hoppity Hop (Age 3+)
- Hoola hoop (Age 4+)
- Move and Balance Activity Deck – Fun & Function (Age 4+)
- Walkaroo Stilts (Age 4+)
- Jump Rope (Age 5+)
- LCR Left/Right/Center Dice Game(Age 5+)
- National Geographic Balance Stepping Stones (Age 5+)
- Pogo stick (Age 5+)
- Slip ’n Slide (Age 5+)
- Sturdy Birdy – Fat Brain Toys (Age 5+)
- Twister (Age 6+)
- Chrono Bomb Original – PlayMonster (Age 7+)
- I Got This! Game (Age 7+)
- LCR Wild Dice Game Left/Right/Center (Age 8+)
- Balance Beam/Walking Rail
- Balance Board
- Bicycle
- Maze Balance Board
- Mini-trampoline/Trampoline
- Skis
- Snowboard
- Waldorf Rocker Board
We hope you enjoy this wonderful list of games and toys to enhance your child’s visual development. Do not forget that these games and toys do not replace appropriate vision care and treatment.
As always, we are here to support you and your visual needs. Please reach out if you have any questions.
We wish you and your family a safe & happy holiday!!

A very special thanks and credit to The Vision Therapy Center, Inc, Vision Therapy Academy, Optometric Center for Family Vision Care and Vision Therapy, and The Center of Vision Development for gathering these visually stimulating games and toys.
*** Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center, P.C. and its staff have no personal connection or financial interest in the above games and toys. Use these suggestions at your discretion. These games do not replace appropriate vision evaluation or vision therapy treatment. If you are experiencing problems with your vision or vision-related activities, please schedule a comprehensive vision examination with a Developmental Optometrist.