Specialty Contact Lens Services
For you and all your family members
A comprehensive eye exam prior to a contact lens fitting is essential to help ensure patients’ vision, comfort, and overall eye health. To provide a positive experience for first time contact lens wearers we offer individual instruction for insertion and removal, cleaning and care, and a proper wearing schedule. Follow up care is necessary to assess that you have been fit into a contact lens that meets your personal needs and overall eye health.
Contact Lens Services PROVIDED:
Varied Modalities:
- Daily wear
- Extended wear (two week and monthly)
Varied Purposes:
- Astigmatism lenses
- Bifocal (Multi-focal) lenses
- Cosmetic and Theatrical tints
Varied Type of Contact Lenses:
- Soft, disposable, frequent replacement, and conventional lenses
- Gas permeable (GP) contact lenses
- Scleral contact lenses
- SynergEyes (hybrid contact lenses)
Specialty Contact Lenses:
- Myopia Control Lenses
- Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT)
- Orthokeratology (Myopia Reduction with Contacts)
- Myopia Control for Children
- MiSight 1-day
- Post-surgical contact lens
- Post trauma/injury contact lens
- Dry Eyes
- Keratoconus
- Presbyopia (reduced near vision)
- “Difficult to fit” patients

First time wearing contact lenses?
We are excited to fit your first contact lenses!
Following your comprehensive eye examination, we will schedule a contact lens evaluation (contact lenses fit and teach). If this is your first-time wearing contact lenses, we will spend this evaluation finding the contact lenses with the perfect fit and best clarity for you as “one size does not fit all.” This evaluation will also include proper training including hygiene instructions and how to insert and remove your lenses safely.
Cutting Edge Technology
Have you ever been told that you cannot wear contact lenses? Think again! Technology is continuing to advance enabling more and more “difficult to fit” patients to happily and successfully wear contact lenses!

Recycling Program
We have partnered with Terracycle to recycle contact lens materials
What can be recycled
- Contact lens packs (blister packs)
- Foil tops
- Contact lenses
What can NOT be recycled
- Any liquid/solution
- Boxes & cleaning solution bottles can not be recycled through this system, but CAN be recycled through other/regular recycling programs
Simply bring the recyclable items (packs, foils, and even contacts) to our office and we will help you recycle!